Thursday, November 13, 2008


I am totally in love with THIS site right now.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Best Costume Award

Originally uploaded by conaclark

Trick-or-Treat was awesome this year. As you can see, the monkey was a pile of leaves. Not to brag or anything, but she was a TOTALY hit. People we didn't know were taking pictures of our baby, a little freaky I know. And she totally scored when it came to the candy because people were just in love with her. She played it cool and didn't seem to care what all the fuss was about and kept her eye on the prize - Chocolate! More pictures of the PILE OF LEAVES COSTUME here.

So, now about the costume. I started thinking about what I could make the girl this year and had originally bought a pattern to make her a cute alien costume. When this didn't work out I went back to the drawing board. Wifey and I love fraggle rock and thought it would be awesome to make her Marjory the trash heap (photo to the left). However, we feared very few people would get it and think our baby was just gross. From this (and many google searches)came the idea of a pile of leaves.

MAKING THE COSTUME: I have to admit, I thought it would be a lot easier and cheaper to make than what it actually turned out to be. It was terribly hard - it was just quite time consuming. Not to mention silk leaves are not nearly as cheap as I thought they would be.


brown cotton sweat suit, needle & thread, lots of silk leaves, skull cap

HOW TO: ok, try to keep up - this can get tricky...

Thread needle and start sewing on leaves. Cover completely. The end. Seriously it's just that easy! The hard part is fining the time to do it. I would allow for 1 week to complete the costume. What's nice is you can do it for a couple hours every night while watching t.v., giving the kids a bath, or just lounging on the couch. All in all the costume cost me about $30. It's not too bad if you consider this is the same price as the cute costumes from old navy only no one else on the block will have one.

Now I have to think about hwat can top this one next year...

Thursday, October 16, 2008

So, Jo-Ann fabrics had a big sale on Simplicity patterns ($.99 ea.) over the weekend for Columbus Day. I ended up bringing home 20 of them to keep me busy over the winter. This gave me a good opportunity to pick up some of the ones I wanted to try out for wifey but didn’t want to pay full price for. I bought the cutest holloween costume pattern (little aliens) and coolest fabric to make it with for the monkey, however, I don’t think it’s going to happen this year. Upon getting it home I realized it was far to involved for my skill level. Don’t get me wrong, I’m learning my way around a sewing machine pretty quickly. Still, the holloween campout is this Saturday so that combined with the amount of detail and number of steps this pattern requires has me less than thrilled to try to whip it out. The good news is the pattern goes all the way up to size 8 – so there is plenty of time. The bad news is I have no costume for my toddler...eek!

I have taken a little time away from crafting for my shop to concentrate on some gifts for friends expecting this winter and spring. In addition, I have been working on holiday gift ideas, as I intend to only give HANDMADE items this year. I have already gotten way behind - I should have started months ago if I am ever to finish on time!! Oh well, I'll do my best.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Everlasting Patterns

I must do soon as I get the time, HA!

green shoes

Originally uploaded by conaclark
No real reason to post - just wanted an excuse to throw up this photo because I thought it was a cute one of my little monkey...well, her shoes anyways!This was taken while we were scouting the vendors at the Apple Festival in Lebanon.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Nunu's visit = lots of sewing stuff!

Audrey's NuNu (grandma) came for a visit and brought with her a HUGE lot of sewing goodness she scored at a yard sale in Florida - as well as 5 or 6 boxes of vintage patterns from her own collection (mostly childrens clothing,etc!!). We spent the better half of yesterday working on organizing the arty/craft room to fit in all the new stuff (and to do some major clean up because I am SUCH a slob and start way too many projects at once). It's not completely finished but it looks better already. We signed up for 2 more craft type festivals so I have been working on turning out some new monsters to sell. The trick is to keep them away from Audrey...

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

"Playroom" hits the road

We took "AUDREY'S PLAYROOM" on the road this past weekend and tried our luck at selling some of my funky creations. We set up a booth at the Preble County Pork Festival and overall got a great response. We sold a fair amount of stuff and passed out a lot of business cards...hopefully something will come of it. And by something I mean, I hope more people want to buy my stuff.

NOTE: Audrey's Playroom is a little side project I have going on. I make mostly baby/toddler items and sell to friends/family/online. I specialize it unique and recycled practical items. It all started when my little girl, Audrey, was born and we had a hard time finding the kind of stuff we liked for the price we wanted to pay. Two years later I'm still having fun making the stuff and sharing it with people around me.

You can check out a couple of things I currently have for sale on my etsy shop.

I actually have a bunch more waiting to be photographed and's just been a little hectic and hard to find the time. Check back often.
More pictures from the weekend here.

Like A Virgin...

Here I am, a brand new blogger. Well, not a brand new blogger per se, but writing a brand new blog. While hope this will have a more focused concrentration than those that came before this, it will likely be full of rambling that bounces all over the place. You have been warned...

I created this blog to mainly keep track of all of my arty/crafty projects/ideas/inspiration, life as a full time pappa, my lovely family, and life on the homefront. Cheers!