Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Nunu's visit = lots of sewing stuff!

Audrey's NuNu (grandma) came for a visit and brought with her a HUGE lot of sewing goodness she scored at a yard sale in Florida - as well as 5 or 6 boxes of vintage patterns from her own collection (mostly childrens clothing,etc!!). We spent the better half of yesterday working on organizing the arty/craft room to fit in all the new stuff (and to do some major clean up because I am SUCH a slob and start way too many projects at once). It's not completely finished but it looks better already. We signed up for 2 more craft type festivals so I have been working on turning out some new monsters to sell. The trick is to keep them away from Audrey...

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

"Playroom" hits the road

We took "AUDREY'S PLAYROOM" on the road this past weekend and tried our luck at selling some of my funky creations. We set up a booth at the Preble County Pork Festival and overall got a great response. We sold a fair amount of stuff and passed out a lot of business cards...hopefully something will come of it. And by something I mean, I hope more people want to buy my stuff.

NOTE: Audrey's Playroom is a little side project I have going on. I make mostly baby/toddler items and sell to friends/family/online. I specialize it unique and recycled practical items. It all started when my little girl, Audrey, was born and we had a hard time finding the kind of stuff we liked for the price we wanted to pay. Two years later I'm still having fun making the stuff and sharing it with people around me.

You can check out a couple of things I currently have for sale on my etsy shop.

I actually have a bunch more waiting to be photographed and listed...it's just been a little hectic and hard to find the time. Check back often.
More pictures from the weekend here.

Like A Virgin...

Here I am, a brand new blogger. Well, not a brand new blogger per se, but writing a brand new blog. While hope this will have a more focused concrentration than those that came before this, it will likely be full of rambling that bounces all over the place. You have been warned...

I created this blog to mainly keep track of all of my arty/crafty projects/ideas/inspiration, life as a full time pappa, my lovely family, and life on the homefront. Cheers!